Tuesday, 20 July 2010

ConLib’s policy of reducing the state is in full swing, with its scrappage of the £55billion Building Schools for the Future programme (BSF).

A perfect epitomisation of the devastation this will cause is in my local area, Oldham, where 13 new projects have been halted. This is disastrous news to the local population with an unemployment rate well above the national average.

In times of economic downturn, the way to steer an economy away from depression is through investment, and there is no sounder investment than in education, with the result of generating a workforce capable of creating wealth as opposed to a generation of benefit claimants. The decision to place short-termism ahead of the long-term future of the country is extremely dangerous. Everyone appreciates the desperate need to cut the nation’s deficit, however, is damaging the future of the future workforce of the country the best way to do this? It is entirely inappropriate for children to be educated in crumbling, clearly out of date buildings, which are no longer fit for purpose.

Savings and improvements have to be made, but it is very much apparent that those most affected by the ConLib cuts are those who can least afford it.

These cuts are perfectly co-ordinated with recent comments by Iain Duncan Smith, who introduced plans to make the workforce “more mobile”, clearly reminiscent of Tebbit’s now infamous “Get on your bike” speech. These plans included sketchy details of paying people to move out of areas and vague promises regarding local authority housing placements. It is without logic to pay grants and subsidies to encourage people to move to an already overpopulated London and the South East.

The policy of cutting funding from education in deprived areas, and instead, funding relocation packages, is entirely without logic. It is time for an urgent rethink from this so called “Progressive” Government, as the only thing we are progressing towards is another recession.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Tory Buffoonery is back

The latest idea from the incompetent "Chuckle Brother Coalition", is the incredibly naive suggestion to scrap laws with a Website for suggestions from the public including the comment "Every unnecessary law, every mind-numbing rule, every time your rights have been infringed now is the time to tell us about it." Clearly, Chuckle Brother the Younger does not appreciate that law constantly evolves and each layer of law shapes the laws passed previously. If he thinks that just ripping a law up is as tearing up a piece of paper, this shows the incredible naivety and pig headed arrogance of the man. Do not be surprised if the law that most people want scrapping is the ban on fox hunting.... Despite the fact that the vast majority of UK detests this abhorrent pastime, the Tories will try any available means to bring back murder sports.

Clearly following the emergency budget, the agenda of the new coalition Government has been set, with its high taxation, low jobs strategy for the future, in view of tax increases directed at the poorest members of society. Osbourne's buffoonery is perfectly demonstrated in his comment that VAT increases do not effect the poor as much as the rich. Clearly, this classic, almost characterturesq example of a Tory buffoon has no understanding of the pressures faced by the poorest members in society, who are effected more by tax rises, which do not take into account the ability to pay. Maybe Mr Osbourne would be better served spending more time on his sleazy pastimes, which appear to have been conveniently forgotten by the Murdoch driven press.

This odious little man with no economic knowledge whatsoever has begun Cameron's mission of dismantling the state, and will send this country back into recession with his cuts of public services which are driven by blind ideology, as opposed to good economic sense.