Saturday 22 May 2010

Classless society?

Melissa Massey, a"high flying student" from Oxford University (who was expected to gain a first class degree this summer) was sentenced to just eight weeks, for a vicious and brutal attack on Miss Sumner, a paramedic in Manchester City Centre giving over 20 years of public service.

The press even ran sympathetic stories towards Massey, saying how it was questionable to sentence such a "bright prospect" to a custodial sentence.

It begs the question, why should being a student at Oxford University decrease the sentence? Why should being a member of the upper classes be rationale for a lighter sentence to be passed? Attacking a public servant should carry a stricter sentence than eight weeks. If the offender was a working class shop worker, factory hand or warehouse worker, a "single mother" or even worse, someone who lived on a council estate, then the sentence would have ran into years. The press would have ran yet another "Broken Britain" story.

Classless society? Doesn't look that way to me.....

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